Monday, August 20, 2012

Week #1 Progress

Last week was a tentative "launch" of the blog mostly via my Facebook page (so to family & friends) to check the functionality and work out any bugs.  I also managed to "fancy up" the layout a little bit and included a background image from Fish Eye Guy Photography (  Check out his web page - some BEAUTIFUL photographs!

We're approaching $200 raised thus far (maybe I can figure out how to include a progress bar somehow) which is GREAT.  A few more details of the program:
The FANTASTICALLY willing teacher at RES (Richmond Elementary School) who is going to be the test subject in Richmond for the program is Marie Ayer - 4th grade teacher!  A huge
to her and a big kudos for her willingness to incorporate a new program and approach into her (and Portia Senning's 3rd grade) classroom.

So PLEASE donate whatever you can - $5, $10...anything.  I'm going for the small amounts from lots of places approach.  I really believe that the kids will identify with this teaching tactic and develop more than just classroom skills but also an appreciation for the natural world around us.

I had one person mention they had trouble using a credit card for donations so I recreated the PayPal button.  Hopefully it works smoothly. Again, if you'd prefer, you may mail donations to:
                             Tom Leamon, 172 Robbins Mtn Ext, Richmond VT 05477
                             Checks can be made out to: Richmond Elementary School.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


My name is Tom Leamon.  I currently have two children enrolled in Richmond Elementary School in Richmond Vermont.  Both boys enjoy the outdoors and fishing and I have always tried to use their interest in nature as a vehicle to teach them things without them even being aware of it.

 Both trout were released!

Recently I became aware of a program through Trout Unlimited called Trout in the Classroom (TIC).  Basically a class receives fish eggs in the fall, hatches them and rears the fish until the spring when the class releases them into a river or stream in the area.  The teacher uses the fish as a teaching tool for hands-on learning of biology, chemistry, mathematics, literature and conservation.  I have found two teachers interested in threading this program into their classrooms (on alternating years) but we need to raise roughly $1200 to cover the start up costs.
This BLOG is my first foray into internet fundraising.
Please donate using the button below or, if you'd prefer, send donations to:
 Tom Leamon, 172 Robbins Mtn Ext, Richmond VT 05477
Checks can be made out to: Richmond Elementary School.

Many thanks for reading and for any support you can give!!